Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fiji—Part Three

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A Picture Worth A Thousand Words.
While in Makogai, we had the opportunity to be entertained by the towns' children.  The children were doing a fundraiser for their school so that they could travel to the main island in Fiji and visit various museums and other historical sights.  The way they do their fundraising is to entertain the local cruisers that come to their island.

DSCN0214 1When we arrived to the island, the entire town was there to greet us for the ceremony.
So, we were lucky enough to join about 20 other cruisers and be entertained by the village and participate in their ceremonies.
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Lily visiting with the children
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Even though we came to be entertained, I think that the children were just as entertained by us.
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At first, Lily made sure that I was in her range of eyesight, but 
soon she forgot and loved sitting with the children.
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The children performing the traditional Kava ceremony.
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Presenting the Kava to the chief.
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I couldn't get enough of the children dancing in
the audience to the beat of the drum.  So cute!
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Ummm... I wanted to stick this little guy in my purse and take him home with me.
He must have been around 4-years-old and performed with all the older boys.
He didn't miss a beat... or a move.  ADORABLE.
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The 5th and 6th grade girls performing.
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At the end, all the children got up and serenaded us and
then came in to the audience and asked us to dance with them.
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Martin in his sulu dress participating in the dance.
It is required that everyone come to these ceremonies dressed modestly.
Women and men are required to wear a sulu (sarong) and shirt with a sleeve.
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Lily loved every second of the festivities. 

Lily sat there the whole evening mesmerized by all the children, singing and dancing.

We loved our time at the village of Makagoi.  When we arrived, we presented the chief with the traditional Kava as well as a 25 lb.  Mahi Mahi that we had barely caught before arriving.  I am so grateful for these types of experiences and will dearly miss the chances that we have to mix with the villagers on the individual islands.  

*  *  *  

The next post will be about the Yasawa islands! The Yasawa island chain is found on the resort end of Fiji. The weather in the Yasawa's is supposed to be better being that it is on the western side.  Most tourists fly into the mainland and then hop on a ferry that takes them to their chosen destination resort.  Most of the Yasawa's are mountainous, green and are lined with reef-fringed beaches and low-key resorts.  Needless to say, I was REALLY looking forward to paradise.